Rogue Trader (TTRPG) Ship Builder
A downloadable tool
This is a ship building program for the Rogue Trader TTRPG by Fantasy Flight Games. It allows you to select from various ship hulls, install components and weapons, choose backgrounds, and save the ship data as a JSON file that can be loaded by this program.
The Ship Builder displays the rules and text descriptions from the Rogue Trader rulebooks. These are stored as CSV files in the Streaming Assets. Custom hulls, components, and rules can be added to the CSV files, and existing data can be changed. Review the README CSV for instructions.
Custom ship images can be added to the \StreamingAssets\Images folder. The Ship Builder will display the image that matches the hull name of the selected hull.
Sample ships are located in the default save directory \StreamingAssets\SavedShips. When you save your ship, a JSON text file, a PDF file, and a screenshot of the Export Data screen will be saved together in whichever directory you choose.
Install instructions
Download and unzip folder.
Development log
- PDF Export and Bug Fixes23 hours ago
- Now with Image Export!Jul 31, 2024
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Does this have Into the Storm components added? I'm trying to add stuff like Servitor Crew and Atomics but I don't see it.
Also for the Packages, the descriptions go down below the screen and can't be scrolled to or seen.
Otherwise, a spectacularly useful tool!
The reason I didn't add them was because some, like Servitor Crew and Turbo-Weapon Batteries, affect multiple stats and components and I wasn't sure how I could program that in without breaking the current system's way of looking up components and rules. If I do add it in, it will be similar to the backgrounds/packages and not affect the actual stats.
I'm able to scroll through the background screen when long packages are selected. Are you still having an issue with them?
Absolutely amazing, making ships is no longer a headache, the Omnissiah bless you!
two errors I've found:
1. "Storm" Drop Pod Launch Bay misses the +50 Military Endeavour Points bonus it should have.
2. Small Craft Repair Bay accidentally has the Ship's Store's stat instead of its own.
Thank you, these have been fixed.
Great job, kingly work.
This thing is great, but there are a few errors I've found; the Orion-class Star Clipper is missing its Keel mount. I was able to fix that myself. The 'bigger' problem I've found is that when selecting the "-1 Crit" modification for high quality weapon components, it instead adds 1 to the crit rating of the module in question, and I'm not sure how to go about fixing that myself. (IE: a Best quality Godsbane Lance should be able to reduce the default Crit 3 to Crit 2, but when selecting Crit -1 as one of the two modifications, it instead sets it to Crit 4)
Edit: Also, some weapon modifications from quality appear correctly on the "Components" page but are not reflected on the Export image page, despite the improved component being noted. (IE: a Good quality weapon with range improved from 9-->10 will show Range 10 in Components but on the Export page, will list "Good Quality" but only show Range 9.)
Thank you, these should be fixed now.
Does the export show the quality of the required components? Or is it just in the json. BTW, Thanks for such a great tool.
Quality in the image export is based on character and color. Red P for Poor, black C for Common, green G for Good, gold B for Best. The PDF export shows quality as a superscript next to the component name.
Is there any way to export/print these files? I think your efforts have really provided a great tool for those running Rogue Trader.
I have just updated the program to save a screenshot of the Export Data screen to the same folder you save your ship data.
This is really cool. The fact that you can add your own hulls just makes it even better. Are the stats for the battleship self made?
Yes, those are just some numbers I made up that would be appropriate for the hull.
Are you planning on adding a function which will allow us to export ships to a pdf file? Because that would be real handy.
I was thinking about it when I started this project but I didn't have the time to implement it. I may add that functionality later.
This is awesome if you get a chance make it availble to download via the Itch app that would cool
This look very cool, I hope you will keep updating it.